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2013 Vol. 1, No. 4
Published: 30 December 2013

241 Health and education partnership for a healthy young generation:China’s perspective
SHEN Xiaoming
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 241-244 [Abstract] ( 2893 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (619 KB)  ( 2170 )
245 Role of Chinese characters cognition in promoting balanced development of both brain hemispheres in children
LIU Jingzhao
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 245-250 [Abstract] ( 2191 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (762 KB)  ( 1781 )
251 Promotion of healthy schools and preparation of health education teachers in Hong Kong
LEE Shiuhung;KWAN Tingfai;Albert LEE;Trevor Leutscher;TO Choyee
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 251-254 [Abstract] ( 2171 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (391 KB)  ( 1822 )
255 Research on color and line preferences in retarded children
SUN Shengtao;CAI Lu
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 255-258 [Abstract] ( 2096 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (409 KB)  ( 1787 )
259 Juvenile justice competence and developmental maturity
Rosemary C. Sarri
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 259-262 [Abstract] ( 2857 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (350 KB)  ( 2187 )
263 Making learning successful:allosteric learning model and its applications in teaching
PEI Xinning
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 263-270 [Abstract] ( 3134 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (660 KB)  ( 2628 )
271 Associations of nonapeptide with social behavior and autism
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 271-275 [Abstract] ( 2242 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (521 KB)  ( 1670 )
276 Research progress of posttraumatic stress disorder in children
NIU Lei;WANG Hairong;WU Yeming;PAN Shuming
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 276-280 [Abstract] ( 2242 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (543 KB)  ( 2236 )
281 Effects of mobile phone radiation on learning and memory capacity
ZHONG Ting;ZHAO Ranran;WANG Yuqin;ZHANG Wenhua
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 281-283 [Abstract] ( 2800 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (561 KB)  ( 2241 )
284 Aphakic glaucoma following congenital cataract extraction and its impact on children’s living quality
JIN Haiying;ZHAO Peiquan
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 284-289 [Abstract] ( 2146 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (588 KB)  ( 1711 )
290 Conducting functional magnetic resonance imaging studies onchildren:an adaptive process
CHAN Suiyin
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 290-293 [Abstract] ( 2167 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (7379 KB)  ( 1617 )
294 Application of comparing imaging methods and PBL teaching in nuclear medicine resident standardized training
WANG Shaoyan;WANG Hui;LI Jianing;FENG Fang;CHEN Suyun;WU Shuqi;FU Hongliang
2013 Vol. 1 (4): 294-297 [Abstract] ( 2176 ) HTML (0 KB)  PDF (605 KB)  ( 1823 )
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