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2013 Vol. 1, No. 2
Published: 2013-06-30
The combination of educational science and life science
ZHU Zonghan
The long term objective of education is for the future of children. Hence,education must be based on the biology of child development and follow the mechanism and characteristics of child growth. A great deal of knowledge on child growth and development is being accumulated thanks to the rapid expansion of life science research. It is understood that scientific research on the early child growth and development will provide important information to the nurture and education of children. Moreover,interdisciplinary scientific research has made a lot of progress;therefore the concept of bio-education has gained increasing acceptance. Education,as an important driving force and advocate for child development,has not been closely connected with life science,namely developmental biology and developmental pediatrics for a long period of time. Therefore,it will be helpful to develop educational ideas,mechanisms and approaches that are more consistent with the rules and characteristics of child development. In conclusion,educational science must be evidence-based. Its advance may benefit from learning the footsteps of the advancement in developmental pediatrics,which has a solid life science basis.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 81-86 [
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The construction of bio-education
ZHOU Jiaxian
Bio-education is a promising and emerging field which integrates biology and education. As a research field,bio-education is just a new field but it has a long exploration history. Many research institutions and educational programs have been established in recent years in developing as well as developed countries to train new generations of education professionals. New journals and societies are launched in Americas,Europe and Asia. The goal of this new field is to research on and cultivate the whole person by using trans-disciplinary research paradigm,such as asymptotic repetition method. The development of this field is important for talent-nurturing and advancement of comprehensive national strength.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 87-94 [
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The response inhibition in adolescents with anxiety disorder:an ERP study on Go/NoGo N2 and P3
ZHANG Jinsong;WANG Xin;CHENG Wenhong;LIU Yi
Objective To investigate the mechanisms involved in the regulation of stimulus response in adolescents aged 13 to 16 years with anxiety disorder(ANX)using Go/NoGo tasks. Methods The subjects in this study included ANX adolescents and normal children as control. Event-related potentials(ERP),N2 and P3 were measured. Results The N2 latencies for ANX were longer than for normal children in Go and NoGo tasks[F(1,26)= 13.26,P < 0.001]. However,no N2 amplitude difference was found between both groups. P3 in ANX adolescents was smaller than in the control group,indicating a deficiency in stimulus evaluation and decision making in ANX,especially at the frontal-central and central areas. Additionally,the severity of anxiety measured by SCARD was correlated with the P3 amplitude. The more severe the anxiety,the smaller the P3 amplitude. Conclusion Except for the longer time to respond,ANX adolescents have no significant deficit in conflict monitoring and response inhibition. In contrast,a significant deficiency is found for the processing of evaluation and decision-making. In addition,P3 seems to be more sensitive than N2 to anxiety.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 95-105 [
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A cognitive model of language acquisition
John Holland
Language acquisition and evolution can be looked upon as emergent properties of a complex adaptive system(CAS). This paper defines a class of CAS relevant to language studies. It then outlines a set of computer-executable exploratory models(thought-experiments)aimed at studying emergent composition of utterances(proto-grammars). The models are constrained by known pre-primate cognitive abilities,but they do not attempt to employ parameters using linguistic data. As such,the models only indicate possibilities,not actualities. The models emphasize the social nature of language and the role of Darwinian selection in adapting language to both the environment and the language users.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 106-110 [
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Different brain pathways in processing Chinese and English by Primary Three Hong Kong pupils based on electroencep-halography coherence analysis
FUNG Chinwan;WONG Kawai;CHAH Huoyen;CHAN Walun;KWAN Tingfai;TO Choyee
A 128-channel electroencephalography(EEG)system was employed to record the electrical brain signals reaching the scalp of test subjects in response to reading mother tongue(Chinese)and second-language(English)sentences. Half of these test sentences were grammatically correct,while the other half contained syntactical errors. We analysed the coherence in various EEG frequency bands(δ,θ,α,β,γ)among all possible pairs of scalp electrode sites. Since it is well-known that the rest state of the brain,whether eyes open or closed,has an abundance of activities,we studied the difference in coherence(rather than the absolute value)of a subject as he/she reads Chinese and English sentences. We analysed the difference in“cross-talk”between ten different brain regions as the subject responded to the visual stimuli by simplifying the raw difference coherence data into“difference coherence diagrams”pertaining to specific conditions(i. e. correct or incorrect grammar). We have found,from the responses of 22 Primary Three pupils(mean age nine years),that Chinese syntactic processing is related to strong short-range EEG coherence within the frontal and occipital regions,while syntactic processing of English involved relatively more coherence between EEG signals recorded from the frontal and temporal regions. A gender difference was also found. Boys seemed to show a general left hemispheric preference for syntactic language processing. In particular,the left frontal region was a prominent EEG coherence focus. On the other hand,girls tended to use more bilateral regions for processing both Chinese and English syntax,and the parietal and right temporal regions seem to be particularly strong coherence foci.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 111-123 [
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Processing of speech in Chinese students with different reading abilities:an fMRI study
CHAN Yueung;WONG Muifong;FOK Taifai;FUNG Kwokpui;AU Agnes;KWAN Tingfai;TO Choyee
While imaging studies with English-speaking children showed that reading achievement of children is associated with their brain profiles during speech perception tasks,little is known about the neurocognitive processing of normal Chinese students with different reading proficiencies. To study the neurocognitive processing on Chinese and the input of reading level on the process,seventeen six year old students with Chinese as their first language were recruited for the research study. These students were further assessed by a reading test to distinguish their Chinese reading ability. Those scored 2/3 deviation below the cultural mean score were classified as low-proficiency readers. Those scored between 2/3 below or above the mean score were classified as intermediate-proficiency readers. Those scored 2/3 standard deviation above the mean score were regarded as high-proficiency readers. During the experiment,12 pairs of Chinese syllables evenly distributed in three stimuli blocks were presented to the students acoustically and they had to judge whether each pair of syllables was the same in rhyme or not. Throughout the whole process the students’brain activation profiles were assessed by fMRI examination using the BOLD(blood oxygen level dependent)contrast method in a 1.5T MRI system. Result analysis was focused on the possible neurocognitive discrepancies between students of varying reading proficiency on phonological sensitivity.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 124-135 [
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Case study on the rehabilitation of a child with developmental coordination disorder
HE Yanlu;ZHANG Ling;DOU Shujuan;HONG Qin;XIE Yachun;GUO Xirong;CHI Xia;TONG Meiling
Objective To explore rehabilitation methods for children with developmental coordination disorder(DCD). Methods Based on the assessment of a child with DCD,an individualized multiple rehabilitation method was adopted for the child. Clinical observations were conducted to follow up on the rehabilitation. Results After training,there were significant ameliorations in manual dexterity,eye-hand coordination,visual-motor integration and balance. The child improved in activities of daily life,school events and confidence. Conclusion The multiple methods are effective for children with DCD when integrating hospital-oriented,family-assisted,school-educated and government-supported programmes.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 136-139 [
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Emotion and cognitive function of internet addicted addescents
SHEN Lixiao;ZHANG Jinsong;JIN Xingming;XU Jian;YAN Chonghuai
Objective To explore emotional problems and neuropsychological differences between adolescents with internet addict and normal controls,and to provide evidence for further prevention. Methods sixteen adolescents diagnosed of internet addict and 16 normal controls were surveyed using self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)and self-rating depression scale(SDS). Stroop test was applied to measure the cognitive function in these two groups. Results The scores of SAS(P < 0.05)and SDS(P < 0.01)questionnaires were significantly higher in internet addicted adolescents than in controls. The reaction time was longer and the correct rate was lower in Stroop test in the internet addicted adolescents than in controls. However statistical significance was not reached. Conclusion The internet addicted adolescents may have a tendency of anxiety and depression and their cognitive function may also have been affected.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 140-143 [
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Evaluation in the effects of education on nutrition for hospitalized pregnant women
YAN Zhiyan;SHEN Xiuhua;ZHU Yiqing*;MA Liying;QU Lei;TANG Qingya
Objective To evaluate the effects of nutrition education on the knowledge,attitude and practice (KAP)of hospitalized pregnant women. Methods A total of 250 hospitalized pregnant women participated in this study. McNemar paired test was used to examine the differences in KAP before and after the nutrition education. Results Contrasting between before and after the nutritional education,there were significant improvements in pregnant women’s dietary habits and public nutrition knowledge such as excessive salt intake increases the risk of hypertension;fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C,etc. In addition,after the education,there were also remarkable advances in their knowledge of proper maternal nutrition such as foods that may cause ablactation,foods that are high in calcium and iron,salt content of different dishes,optimal time for soup,adequate intake of vegetable,milk(lactation period)and eggs(postpartum),foods for Caesarean section gravidas before intestinal exhaust,foods for postpartum physical weakness,and enhancing ability of vitamin C on iron absorption. Conclusion Nutrition education has important implications for pregnant women in enriching nutritional knowledge,improving dietary habit and preventing malnutrition.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 144-147 [
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The biological effect of the physical activity:from the sight of“mobile brain”
HUANG Wenying;WAN Huazhe
As a sensory organ,the immune system is a“mobile brain”to receive stimuli, and then triggers off the immune reaction. There is a common pathway to influence the organ for the immune system and the brain. Physical activities can affect the“mobile brain”function by ways of the nervous system,endocrine system and neuropeptide.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 148-151 [
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Promotion the nurture quality by combining medicine with education:home based child growth and development chart
JIN Xingming;HUANG Hong
For normal children,the most significant aspect of integration between medicine and education is to promote the quality of family parenting in early childhood. One important step is to teach families how to scientifically use a chart to monitor child growth and development. The updated chart has now added time elements such as growth record,weight curve,height curve and data of the development milestones of each child from 0 to 6 years old. This chart will be distributed to thousands of families by community institutions,which will also disseminate scientific knowledge of family parenting. It is a social project benefitting both children and their families.
2013 Vol. 1 (2): 152-154 [
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Beijing Magtech