池 霞
南京医科大学附属南京妇幼保健院儿童保健科(南京 210004)
Measurement and intervention of physical fitness of children
Department of Pediatrics,Nanjing Maternity and Child Care Hospital,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210004,Jiangsu,China
摘要 儿童体能不仅影响其健康及运动水平,而且与多种疾病,如肥胖、发育性协调障碍等密切相关。文章就儿童体能发展现状、评估方法及干预原则等进行综述。
关键词 :
儿童 ,
体能 ,
评估 ,
干预 ,
Abstract :Physical fitness not only affects health and sport performance of children,but also correlates to various diseases,such as obesity and developmental coordination disorder. The status of children’s physical fitness,measurement methods and intervention principles are introduced in this paper.
Key words :
physical fitness
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