Abstract:In the early 1980s thousands of refugees from Southeast Asia were resettled in the United States after the war in Vietnam. During research focused on their economic progress during the resettlement,it was noted that after three years in the United States,the recently arrived refugee children,who knew little or no English upon arrival,had achieved a remarkable level of academic success in school systems that many thought to be educationally bankrupt. Funds were then obtained to focus on this unexpected academic accomplishments and how it was achieved. The published findings received widespread visibility and were viewed as having practical significance with respect to raising the low standing of American public education when compared to other industrialized nations. These findings were,however,totally disregarded by education policy experts,including those holding important positions in government. Reasons why the findings were regarded as irrelevant are also discussed.
Nathan S. Caplan. 教育研究及其在美国的应用[J]. , 2014, 2(1): 1-9.
Nathan S. Caplan. On education research and its utilization in the United States. , 2014, 2(1): 1-9.