Abstract:Tic disorder (TD) and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder (ADHD) are common neurodevelopmental disorders. About half of children with TD suffer from ADHD. The pathogenesis is not yet clear, and it may be closely related to the dysfunction of the basal ganglia, thalamus, and cortex-striatum-thalamic-cortex circuits. Tic symptoms will appear later than ADHD symptoms, especially in patients with severe TD. After TD coexisting with ADHD, there will be more serious attention deficit, and cognitive, behavioral and emotional problems, which aggravate their social function damage. The diagnosis of TD with comorbid ADHD should follow relevant clinical diagnostic criteria. Before treatment, a comprehensive assessment is required to identify the main diseases that affect their social functions. Priority is given to the treatment of diseases with more severe impairment of the children’s social function. The treatment plan is based on behavioral intervention combined with drug therapy. Medication should take into account the symptoms of tics and attention deficit hyperactivity to avoid increasing the risk of tics. Clinically, due to insufficient understanding of TD with comorbid ADHD, diagnosis and treatment are easily delayed. TD with comorbid ADHD increases the difficulty of treatment and affects the prognosis. Early identification, early intervention, and long-range management play important roles in improving the social function of children with TD with comorbid ADHD.
余 婧,陈文雄. 抽动障碍与注意缺陷多动障碍共病儿童的诊治与管理[J]. 教育生物学杂志, 2022, 10(6): 433-.
YU Jing, CHEN Wenxiong. Diagnosis, treatment, and management of children with comorbidity of tic disorder and attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. JOURNAL OF BIO-EDUCATION, 2022, 10(6): 433-.