Effects of developmental level and social-life ability of children with global developmental delay on parenting stress
YAN Wenjie, LIN Yuanyuan, ZHANG Yiwen
Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, National Children’s Medical Center, Shanghai 200127, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the parenting stress of children with global developmental delay, and explore theeffects of development quotient(DQ)and social-life ability on parenting stress. Methods A total of 364 children with the main complaint of“language delay”and the diagnosis of global developmental delay aged 16 to 60 months who visited the Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center from March 2019 to April 2021 were enrolled. Gesell development scale, infants-junior middle school students’ social life abilities scale, and parenting stress index-short form were used to investigate. Results The proportions of maternal and paternal parenting stress higher than normal were 75.4% and 72.0%, respectively. Maternal parenting stress was significantly correlated with children’s DQ and social life ability, while paternal parenting stress was not significantly correlated with children’s DQ, but significantly correlated with social life ability. Children’s self-management ability was an important source of maternal parenting pressure. In the process of verbal ability DQ affecting maternal parenting pressure, self-management ability had a complete mediating effect. Collective mobility was an important source of paternal parenting stress. In the process of verbal ability DQ affecting paternal parenting stress, collective mobility had a complete mediating effect. Conclusion The proportions of maternal and paternal parenting stress of children with global developmental delay are higher than the normal levels. Verbal ability DQ has no direct influence on parental stress, but indirectly influences parental stress through social life ability.
闫文洁,林媛媛,章依文. 发育迟缓儿童的发育水平及社会生活能力对父母养育压力的影响[J]. 教育生物学杂志, 2022, 10(5): 393-.
YAN Wenjie, LIN Yuanyuan, ZHANG Yiwen. Effects of developmental level and social-life ability of children with global developmental delay on parenting stress. JOURNAL OF BIO-EDUCATION, 2022, 10(5): 393-.