Correlation between nocturnal enuresis and repeated upper respiratory tract infection in children
ZHENG Xiangyu1, LI Shenghui2, MA Jun1
1. Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, National Children's Medical Center, Shanghai 200127, China;2. Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China
摘要目的 分析儿童夜间遗尿症与反复上呼吸道感染的关系,为深入了解遗尿症儿童机体状况提供实证依据。方法 样本来自2005年11—12月全国学龄儿童睡眠状况调查研究项目,对全国9个城市23 791名儿童进行调查,最终21 980名儿童入选研究。采用学龄儿童个人状况及家庭环境问卷、儿童睡眠习惯问卷对儿童一般情况和睡眠情况进行调查。建立多因素Logistic回归模型分析儿童夜间遗尿症与反复上呼吸道感染的关系。结果 儿童反复上呼吸道感染的发生率为17.1%。单因素分析结果显示:夜间遗尿症、年龄、家庭人均收入<800元/月及800~1 500元/月、食物及药物过敏、学习困难均可能为反复上呼吸道感染的危险因素。控制混杂变量后,多因素分析结果显示:夜间遗尿症是反复上呼吸道感染的危险因素(OR=1.365,95% CI 1.170~1.592,P<0.01)。女生人群中夜间遗尿症(OR=1.551,95% CI 1.223~1.966,P<0.01)对反复上呼吸道感染发生的影响比男生更显著(OR=1.228,95% CI 1.001~1.505,P<0.05)。结论 儿童夜间遗尿症的发生会增加反复上呼吸道感染的风险,且在女生中这一风险增加更加显著,提示及时治疗儿童夜间遗尿症对防治反复上呼吸道感染具有一定的临床意义。
Abstract:Objective To investigate the relationship between nocturnal enuresis and repeated upper respiratory tract infection in children, and provide empirical evidence for further understanding of enuresis in children. Methods The samples were collected from the national sleep survey of school-age children from November to December in 2005. A total of 23 791 children from nine cities were investigated, and 21 980 children were enrolled in this study. The general condition and sleep condition of children were investigated by using questionnaires, which included personal status and family environment of school-age children and sleep habits of children. A multivariate Logistic regression model was constructed to investigate the relationship between nocturnal enuresis and recurrent upper respiratory tract infection in children. Results The incidence of recurrent upper respiratory tract infection in children was 17.1%. The univariate analysis results of repeated upper respiratory tract infection and related factors were enuresis, age, family per capita monthly income <800 yuan or 800~1 500 yuan, food and drug allergy, and learning difficulties. These factors might be risk factors for recurrent upper respiratory tract infection. After controlling for confounding variables, the results of multivariate analysis showed that nocturnal enuresis might be risk factors for recurrent upper respiratory tract infection (OR=1.365, 95% CI 1.170-1.592, P<0.01). The effect of nocturnal enuresis (OR=1.551, 95% CI 1.223-1.966, P<0.01) on the occurrence of recurrent upper respiratory tract infection was greater in girls than that in boys (OR=1.228, 95% CI 1.001-1.505, P<0.05). Conclusion The incidence of enuresis in children increased the risk of recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, and this increase was more pronounced in girls. It is suggested that timely treatment of enuresis in children has certain clinical significance in preventing and treating repeated upper respiratory tract infection.