摘要国际学生评估项目(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA) 2015结果显示,中国北京、上海、江苏和广东(京沪苏粤)地区排名滑落到第10,科学、数学及阅读素养的得分都是大幅下降。本研究首先从国际比较的视角,分析了PISA 2015中国京沪苏粤地区在教育优异与公平方面的表现。其次,通过分析京沪苏粤地区的内部差异,并利用城乡不同地区的学生成绩差异来剖析中国成绩下滑的可能原因。最后,提出相关政策和建议。
Abstract:In Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015, the score of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and Guangdong, China (B-S-J-G, China) ranked 10th, whose reading, mathematics, and science scores sharply decreased. This paper firstly highlights excellence and equity in education in B-S-J-G (China) based on some key indicators from selectes educational systems, which still endorses huge potentials in Chinese education. However, from domestic perspective, this paper deeply analyzes the huge gap within B-S-J-G (China), which has also shaped the sample characteristics and might partly explain the cause of failing. In the final part, this paper also try to discuss some policies and suggestions from PISA 2015.
李敏谊,管亚男. 从国际比较与地区差异的视角反思PISA 2015测试的中国成绩[J]. 教育生物学杂志, 2017, 5(1): 15-.
LI Minyi, GUAN Yanan. Analysis of achievements of Chinese students in PISA 2015 from global and domestic perspectives. JOURNAL OF BIO-EDUCATION, 2017, 5(1): 15-.