Abstract:Objective To explore the relations among fear of missing out, loneliness, resilience, and mobile phone dependence of freshmen. Methods A total of 998 freshmen were investigated with fear of missing out scale, UCLA(University of California, Los Angeles)loneliness scale, resilience scale for Chinese adolescents, and mobile phone addiction index. Results Fear of missing out was positively correlated with loneliness and mobile phone dependence, but negatively correlated with resilience. Loneliness was positively correlated with mobile phone dependence, but negatively correlated with resilience. Resilience was negatively correlated with mobile phone dependence. Mobile phone dependence was predicted directly and positively by fear of missing out and loneliness, but predicted negatively by resilience. Loneliness was predicted directly and positively by fear of missing out. Loneliness and resilience partially mediated the relationship between fear of missing out and mobile phone dependence. Conclusion The relationship between fear of missing out and freshmen’s mobile phone dependence is influenced by the independent mediating role of loneliness, and the co-mediating role of loneliness and resilience.
殷子珺,孟 凡,宣 宾. 错失恐惧对大一年级新生手机依赖的影响:孤独感和心理韧性的中介作用[J]. 教育生物学杂志, 2022, 10(3): 201-.
YIN Zijun, MENG Fan, XUAN Bin. Effects of fear of missing out on freshmen’s mobile phone depen-dence: mediating role of loneliness and resilience. JOURNAL OF BIO-EDUCATION, 2022, 10(3): 201-.